Mill: A building
equipped with machinery for grinding grain into flour.
Vale: A valley, often
coursed by a stream.

Millvale is a small West Side community, the Millcreek and
its industry to the east of the neighborhood and a pretty hill with a forest of
trees to the west.
We started our route by meeting up with Emily at the corner
of Beekman and the Hopple Street Viaduct.
This was the third time we drove to a Run 52 in the pouring rain (East
End, Hartwell). Each time, we’ve been
lucky that the rain has stopped just as we got out of the car to start the
route. I actually really like running in
the rain (it’s like running and swimming at the same time!) but for the sake of
my camera phone I was grateful for the drier conditions. Here was our lineup of
The Running Pro:

(Maybe it’s just the
angle at which a taller person took this photo, or maybe it’s my giant hat, but
I appear very short here. Shorter than I actually am. Right?)
Much of the neighborhood is made of up Cincinnati Metropolitan Housing Authority townhouses, but there are also single family
homes and businesses along Beekman Avenue.
First, we ran down Beekman past the factories and warehouses that line
the Millcreek:

The townhomes are conveniently adjacent to Ethel M. Taylor Academy and
the Millvale Recreation Center.

The Rec Center, housed in a cool modernist building, has an impressive collection of murals, a big swimming pool, and a patio garden:

Doesn’t this dog on the chain-link fence art look like our
Zola Budd?

At the end of our run, we ran back and forth across the Hopple Street Viaduct, which overlooks the Millcreek, its factories, and its busy rail yard:

We also got this shot of one of the hundreds of
billboards trying to lure Ohioans to vacation in Northern Michigan. Here are Donnie and I saying, “Been there, done that, Billboard!”:

For proof, see photo
above re: Zola Budd.
Three last points. First, Millvale is not to be confused with rural Millville, where I sold
ice cream out of a window at the tender age of fourteen. The ice
cream shop was across the street from a store that sold hard candies
and cowboy hats. Not sure why that
detail is relevant or interesting, but there you have it. Second, it was quite chilly for late July. Although admittedly, maybe it was not quite cold enough to warrant the windbreakers and sweatshirts we were wearing.
Most importantly, Millvale marks the half-way point of the Run 52 challenge. Twenty-six down, twenty-six to go!
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