It’s hard to do The Heights justice. In part because there is so much ground to cover (the Heights encompasses all of UC’s campus and a little bit beyond), and in part because within this vast area there are many sites to see. The University of Cincinnati was recently named the 6th most beautiful campus in the United States.
Over the last six years I’ve probably spent more time in the Heights than any other neighborhood. The reason for this is my penchant for degrees.
Starting with the degree theme we began from the law school, where I’m getting ready for my last year of school--ever (I swear). What a better way to start a run from the law school than posing with my main Justice, Willie Howard.

Kayla warmed up with a pilates pose. I abstained, fearing irreparable harm.

As a building, the law school leaves a lot to be desired. I'm at least a fan of the exterior, which for some reason reminds of A Clockwork Orange. Unfortunately, the ironic redemption ends on the outside as once you enter the building there is not much to celebrate until you find the exit.

From the law school we took the back alleys between the school of education and CCM. These alleys are a crucial part of my campus existence as they are a handy shortcut from the bus stop and the rec center.

Eventually the back alley leads to Nippert Stadium where we stopped for a few pictures. With the turf torn out of the field, Nippert didn’t have its usual appeal, but Kayla was excited about the wrought iron gates. In all of our years in Cincinnati, we've never made it to a Bearcat football game--maybe this will be the year?
(Kayla is editing this post and would like to say that this will not be the year. In fact, I've said time and time again that the only time you'll catch me at a live football game is if my daughter is one of the players).

After Kayla escaped the gates on her own recognizance, our next stop was McMicken Hall--home to the English Department. This is where I earned my first Bearcat degree. Like the law school building, McMicken is outdated, but not in a "never-had-an update" kind of way; McMicken's exterior is truly classic.

From McMicken we headed to the edge of The Heights where we came across Probasco Street. This is surely a tribute to Kayla’s ancestor and one-time Cincinnati dignitary, Henry Probasco.

Continuing to explore off campus, we headed to Burnett Woods, which we had circled on our Clifton run, but did not enter. While the architecture on campus is great, the woods are a welcome respite from so much concrete and glass.

Kayla enjoyed discovering the pond, where we spotted several fisherpeople.

Outside the woods we headed back to campus. At the corner of Jefferson and MLK a newly rehabbed dorm looms over UC's eastern border. It’s great that this tower got an update as it is one of the most prominent sites from the road.

Of all the great buildings on campus, the Engineering Resource Center (ERC) is probably my favorite. Apparently “students” on campus refer to it as the “cash register.” I’ve never heard this, but nonethless I appreciate the building's apparent functionality. The three steam stacks on the roof must be useful for something, and the lecture hall is a catalyst for the exchange of great ideas. In that hall I've seen literary giants such as Denis Johnson and Lee K. Abbott.

Note the old and the new towers above.
Of course what kind of running blog would we be if we didn't stop by the University of Cincinnati track? Gettler Stadium is right up there as one of my favorites anywhere. I like how it's integrated into the campus with the music school just around the corner and the Calhoun business district up the hill.

When we arrived Kayla challenged me to a race: could I run two laps before she could finish one? Of course not. She was victorious and we were both out of breath on a 90+ degree day.

We toured the rest of the sports campus, which is pretty unbelievable in terms of sheer scale. From the Marge Schott baseball stadium to 5/3 arena to the recently constructed Sheakely field which is topped with a bubble for most of the year.

From the sports campus, we made our way out onto Jefferson and then turned down Calhoun Street. This area has been the site of significant development. On the Clifton Heights side of the Calhoun developers are putting the finishing touches on apartment buildings that feature lots of ground floor commercial space. The new parking in this area will be a relief as well.

In the past, when we didn't have air conditioning, Kayla and I would go to the Panera to escape the heat. In hindsight, it's easier to just have air conditioning.

Love this project, Donnie and Kayla! And this post is one of my favorites. Nice to virtually revisit the old stomping grounds.