I decided to demonstrate my commitment to Run 52 by doing something that I normally don't do: going on a trail run. Don't get me wrong, I like the idea of trail running, its the practice that bothers me. I like the idea of trail running in the same way that I like the idea of all of these other noble things that I don't/rarely do:
- Reading Moby Dick
- Listening to classical music
- Eating a vegan diet
- Learning calculus
-Going to Wrigley Field
-Making sushi
-Shopping at Findlay Market
-Using reusable dish towels
-Breaking out the saxaphone
-Seeing plays
-Watching the PBS news hour
-Polishing my boots
-Making smoothies
-Watching Mad Men
-Getting certified in CPR
-Watching the NBA
-Changing the oil in my car
-Celebrating the solstice
For me the problem has always been the disconnect between the idea and the practice. My idea of trail running features visions of me leaping over fallen trees, tip-toeing through creeks, and charging up muddy slopes. My practice of trail running has never included any of those things. Instead, I fall over trees, wade through water, and slide backwards down muddy hills.
Still, I enjoyed this morning's trail run quite a bit. So here are a few tips for trail running, and maybe life, too:
#2: Proceed with caution.
#3: Watch for stumps at the top of rocky stairways leading to the bottom of sharp downhills.
#4 Follow the signs unless you like getting lost. If you like getting lost tell someone where you're going.
#5 Cross broken bridges.
Good morning! I saw your link up in Kelly's Korner, and was surprised to see Cincinnati, OH. I'm in Dayton, a runner, (running the Pig next weekend!)...small world!
Best of luck with the Pig, Katie, and thanks for checking out our blog!